
About Darky

Well, I was running my own graphics site(Razorclaw's graphics) I was Razorclaw back then .The graphics site had started out as a fan site . It had a terable(sp?) layout (you can see on the past layouts page...). I decided to change it to a graphics site when I saw how cool Graphics can be!Making graphics seemed kinda natural to me, I always loved to draw and craft in rl so switching to the computer was not too much of a challenge. So, I got off to a good start with my site. I was making graphics like mad (and still am). Even though I spent alot of time on my site, it was not growing too fast. Maybe it was because I did not advertise, or because I did not have a lot of content.

I had just figured out how to use GIMP when lighty contacted me asking if I wanted to combine my site with her's. SO I said yes to her offer She is a good Webmistress and is very nice ( When she is not STABBING you...:). She is also good at advertising with will help me a lot! So we found a suitable layout and made up a name and laid the foundations for this great site.

2010 I got a tablet witch I use now. Its a bamboo pen and touch and I love it to death! We're inseparable (Hugs tablet) I use it all the time! Churning out usually a drawing a day! Its just a matter of uploading them all! So, then I got a youtube channel to put recordings of me drawing on. Funfun funnn!!

A few months later Lighty decided to move out. She always likes making sites and pursuing ideas better then keeping them alive! So, she moved off and made her own site Ebony remembrance (as of now).

Things I like: Lemons with salt on them (You should try them 0.o),Pizza,traveling, beans, beans the musical fruit...,bugs, frogs, cats, just about any other type of animal, Kt Tunstall, Lighty (When she is not stabbing ppl...), Graphics, Spring break, snow, the pool, literate rps, The looking glass wars, nom noms, randomness.

Dislikes: bad graphics/rps, pop music, idiots, burnt pizza , tofu fries, n00bs , other...


Are you a guy...?~~~ No I am not, I just like the name Darkflame :D

how long have you been into drawing and art?~~~ As long as I remember and longer! But I only became really serious about maybe working upto selling my art recently when I got my tablet.

Whats your real name? ~~~ Not tellin! Just call me Darkflame. :D

WEhen did you learn html coding? ~~~ I'd say sometime in 2008 is when I started but Iv'e learned most of my html skills over time. Lighty's really the one responsable for teaching me most of it even though she was learning at the same time. And I don't know if I would have even started a site in html (witch I love by the way) if she hadn't told me about it.

If you want to ask me a question just post in the cbox and I might put it up here!