
Contests in the fandom:

Mist's Graphics contest

My current contest

Make a character inspired graphic! Read one of the following books and make a graphic representing your favorite character from the book. Try to show a certain aspect of the character with the graphic.

Book choices

The looking glass wars-- Frank Beddor

Airborn--Kenneth Oppel

Beastly--Alex Flinn

Rangers Apprentice--John Flanagan

Murkmere--Patricia Elliot

Unwind--Neil Shusterman

City of Bones--Cassandra Clare

Rules of entry

The graphic can be whatever type of graphic you want but it has to be about one character from one of the above listed books.

You bust submit the graphic in the guestbook bellow otherwise your entry will be ignored.

You must fill out the entry form (in guestbook) completely or give a reason why information is missing from the form or your entry will be ignored.

You can only submit one graphic.

Failure to read or follow the rules will cause you to be ignored so please make sure everything about your entry is in check because I don't like ignoring people! (I prrobably will just correct you and let you re-enter! But you are at risk of being ignored.... [[Dun dun duuunnnnnn]])

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