Old Updates

((From GH))

May 11 2010

FIRST LAYOUT YAY! all the other ones I only helped with and lighty made most of it. So this is really MY first layout! I love how it turned out but the next one should be wider. Well, I am almost done putting it up... Only 50 pages to go! jk but it is taking a really long time. Partly because I have to take down all lighty's stuff but im doing well. after I am done with the layout I will have to start putting all my new graphics up. I have allot of artwork too but I dont really know how I should organize it. If any of you have any ideas PLEASE TELL MEEEE. Thanks for stopping by! Requests will be open soon but only for certian things so make sure to read the rules and everything before requesting. :D


April 30th 2010

I made a new layout as you can see and now I have to go finish puting it up all over the site! The cbox popout thing stopped working so I have to fixt that. Here is my o so long to do list! edit apply for adds page --dont save origional text Artwork-- move out the old outdated art and put in new tablet art. Also, ad link to gn when up Awards-- Add last sageleaf sotm award Buttons-- Add more Credits-- update Extra-- update contests around the fandom Graphics Contest-- UPDATE

Id2-- Keep but move to new pagename (hopeshrine Greystripe. exc)

Images-- delete all after layout change

Index-- move all old updates to old updates page and FIX THE CBOX

Misc-- ADD moar you know you have some on the comp XD

More-- update linkback scelection

Old updates-- add new old updates _new old? XD_

Past layouts-- add new old

Requests-- put rules on the page

Rules-- move the rules to their pages and delete the rules page

Stories-- put up new

Trash-- put new old trash up XD

All-- Update layouts and add new content!

Yeah, well I'd better get to work on that! And there will be lots of new graphics to put up (and a graphic novel XD XD)

April 17th, 2010

I think I saw this coming for a few months now, but it's good to finally get it over with. I will be leaving and making a new site, and will leave GH with Darkflame. I'll be taking all my graphics with me, and will contact old affies I am interested in keeping when the new site is up.
You guys probably didn't notice anything accpet the site being update v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. This is simply because we each have our own vision of how a site should be run and couldn't agree on ANYTHING. From colors for a layout to who should make the layout, every little action was a huge drawn out process. Since we consider eachother equal owners, neither one of us was 'in charge' and we had to agree on things.
Anyway, this week I'm setting up the site on a subdomain of our account for the moment, and we'll be contacting all our affies and moving content. Then we're each our separate ways! Wish ya the best of luck Darky ^.^

~Lighty Signing Off

March 26th, 2010-- 9:10AM

Yep.. site is on hiatus until we get back from vacation/spring break in a few weeks. We should be back by April 12thish, maybe earlier. Sorry we've been so inactive guys! When we get back there will be a new layout and plent of new graphics ^_^ Hope everyone has a nice spring break! Hiatus sign is from Warriors Cloud, cause' I am too lazy to make one -.-


March 15, 2010-- 11:39 Am ::MEME

Haven't been adding much to the site lately... I have been focusing on my youtube channel and learning to use my tablet better so.... I am going to start putting up some of me newer drawings instead of that freaky old stuff that is up now! Okay, I have allot of newish stuff but I have not gotten a chance to upload allot of it so today I am going to put up this meme I made a while back!

Very BIG! okay, so, go fill it out and give me the url in the chat! I really want to see how ppl fill it out! :D I really had fun making it and more are on the way (allong with more of my other art!)!


Febuary 20 2010 10:54 AM- New layout of awesomeness

NEW LAYOUT OF AWESOMENESSSSSS!!! As you can see, we can finally make layouts! I am working on a premade right now so look for that. More vids..... entered a amv contest with the awesomest amv ever XD so, I am hoping for results on that sometime soon. I am done with teh first page of the graphic novel and I need to put that up. There have been some issues with the size of teh text and text bubbles so.... it might take longer then I expected. I have to add the videos to the page but meanwhile you can always check my channel. :D

I will be updating soon!

February 15, 2010

OH YEAH! OH YEAH! I've got it *DANCES*. YES! I HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED MY FIRST LAYOUT EVER! Well, maybe not my FIRST FIRST layout, just the first one that worked with Tripod AND came out looking halfway decent. For some reason tripod will only take layouts using divs. once I figured that out in November-ish. It was just a matter of how to code the divs on the image and make the sections and do the css properly... I have a few dozen layouts or code testing things on my computer here. Yes, that's the kind of thing I do in my spare time, Read and mess around with my computer :P

Anyway, I'm back to ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING with the site. I have passed my Roleplay Shattered off to Gale/Icy, and closed my Index site long-term. IF I EVEN THINK OF OPENING ANOTHER SITE PLEASE STOP ME! I simply do not have enough time to properly manage more than one site even though I open them all the time.

The colors on this came out WAY brighter than I intended. I was going to make the layout all green, blue and orange... but when I tested a plain version of this template and saw it was going to work.. well I kind of went wild. ^^

Enough about the layout, time for a to-do list I actually intend to DO:
Make avatar & banner for Gale
Finish putting up layout
Post affie cleanout
Fix broken links/unfinished pages
Update awards page
Update credits page
Update about page
Delete Guestbook
Update & reorganize rules page
Update past layouts page
Update credits
Make more linkbacks to match this layout
Have Darky move their videos to Extras
Delete the "contests index"
Use the rules from BWI and make a Reviews page
Delete "Advertising"
Clean Up "Contests" switch it from "Open" to "Closed"

By the time I get through all that it'll probably be March :/ So Don't expect any new graphics anytime SOON. Lemme go off an write up the affiliate cleanout...

January 11, 2010- 4:59PM- IMPORTANT!!

First off, Hey everyone! Happy new year ^^
As you have probably noticed, I have barely been on the site recently. Here's why:

I doubt anyone has head of Nanowrimo, (National Novel Writing Month) so let me explain. It is a annual event where you try to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. That is 50+ PAGES by the end of the month, and around 1,000 words every DAY. Well, this year I did it for the first time and got to my word count (they have a Young Writers Program where you can set your own goal, mine was 30,000)! My problem is, with school, the sites, and everything else I am finding it difficult to finish my Nano. The story is less than halfway finished and needs editing. Not only do I want to finish it, but I have to have it at least to the first draft by July 1st, so I can claim my prize. Everyone who reached their word counts gets a free printed copy of their NanoNovel like {this one}, in the mail. End of year exams are in June for me, school is very demanding in May and in April I am taking part in Script Frenzy (another writing event). SO I only have January, February and March to finish this thing before the deadline, and trust me when I say my Novel is going to take a ton of time to fix up.

As much as I hate leaving you guys, I'm afraid that my websites will have to go down to lower priority. School is first, Nano is second. I will only be able to get online to update ONCE or TWICE a week.

Affies: PLEASE do not remove our linkback!



This just means fewer updates, and it will take me longer to get around to Sitely things.
Thanks for understanding,


January 8 2010 1:26AM- Random announcements...?

Hm, nothing much to talk about here. I am working on some new microcat templates that should be up soon. I have several new youtube videos For you people to look at as soon as I put em' up!! I also have school and Nano editing but Lighty has dumped the site on meh so I will try to be as active as possible. 0.0 *pokes lighty* Right, anyway. I do need a new avater cause this one is so ooooold. Hm, so much to do, so much to do... *wonders off babbiling like the white rabbit in Alice in wonderland*

Coughcough anyway. I shall goooooo awaaaaay and adddddd stuffffff toooo theeeee siteeeeeee. Yeah, I think I have dragged my feet enough for now! XD ttyl.

January 5 09- 10:10AM- HEY!

SO... First off the contest is OVER! In first place, BLIZZ! I loved how she used more than one picture, put several effects on the picture(s), and was the first one to use blue eyes... :P In Second place (hard to choose!) is Snow! Third place was SO difficult to decide! But I finally settled on Snowy. Thank you all for entering! Awards should be out shortly!

Also if you looked up on the sidebar there, you would see I've opened a new site: Blueflame Warriors Index. You can have you site reviewed... enter it in the index and so on. PLEASE enter your site if you haven't already! ^^

With school starting back I've decided to finally get back to editing my Nanowrimo novel, so that will be sucking some of my computer time away. You can find me on one of my two other sites (links on sidebar!), until then Darkflame is in charge! Lighty- Signing off.

December 28 09- 12:14PM- Moi HAPPY Nao.

First off Darky would like to inform everyone that Superturtlethefirst is an awesome animator and everyone should watch this video so that they can make a face like this:
WT...?! O.O
The video is like a smash up of a ton of their animations and that is why it makes no sense whatsoever.... Yeah... Anyway, watch the video and laugh/freak out/run away from your computer and then read the update below.

So um... yeah... Like Darky said I'm not that upset, but fox really pi--- er... go me upset. So moving on I did some actual work on the site: We have several new affiliates, Warriors Stary Night and Tainted Dreams. WE HAS A NEW CONTEST with a theme of WINTERIFICATION. [CLICKY HERE] to enter! Extras page I am slowly getting back together and organized... Graphics requests should be back up soon & I will be helping Darky with their first ANIMATION, specifically a AMV. Soooo expect to see that in a week or two hopefully. That ish all for now... Probably edit this later on...

EDIT:// Mascot for my soon to open NEW SITE... (I'm not leaving GH, just opening another site on the side...)

Pet's name: Moss
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Soon you will be able to apply for advertising the the sidebar over there<< and requests page is almost cleaned up and ready for business ^^.


Right.as you all noticed, Lightly lost it a bit down there. I totally understand why she was mad and probably would have done the same thing. I just want to tell you guys that, though you may think she sounds REAILy MAD she is not. I talked to her in rl and she isnt all that upset. If she saw this fox/person in rl then she would not try to kill them or something. There are people out there who are idiots.People that bully others for no reason and you just have to ignore them. You can even learn from them, make sure you are not like them. Lighty doesent want this person on her sites (see Ignoreing part) and I think thats justified. That said, I think we have all heard enough about this. To me the internet is a place to enjoy yourself and get away from issues like this so we should all just drop it for now and move on.

That said, I have some great news (for me and maybe you too!)I got a tablet for Christmas so my drawings have improved greatly! I have uploaded new vids on youtube and they are very good (if I do say so myself!)Please Check em' out! They are on the animations page. Thanks! I am gonna work on the site some more tonight so I may have more updates later on!


December 28 09- 7:12PM- DANG.

EDIT//: I kinda freaked out and started ranting, so I cut most of it out.
Ugh. DANG IS RIGHT. Well I had a PRETTY good day, until one of my peeps in the Roleplay World (Foxpelt/tail) decided to go completely bonkers on me. ---Taken out--- >>>END RANT!<<<
Ugh.. it's a few hours later and I chilled out some :P Really I don't think it was Fox so much as that I had just finished going through all my dead/closed affies and trying to find some of them again... It was kinda depressing because I miss people when they leave their sites -sniffle. For example, here is a short list of people I miss:

December 25th 09- 8:42AM- CHRISTMAS ^^

Hey everyone! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and all that ^^ I've added 2 new blogs and reorganized some of the index pages and in case I forgot to drop off your christmas present here it ish:

Hope you have a great time today :D I must go entertain the aforementioned relatives because they just got here for breakfast. Update later this weekend maybe!

Dec. 19, 2009


December 19th, 2009- 10:51AM

For once I am updating in the MORNING xD Anyway, not too much to report. We haven't had enough time to do the 12 days thing.. maybe next year eh? I added 3 new Userbars and am working on coding some blogs that should be up in a day or two (hopefully^^). We're having relatives over for Christmas so it's kind of crazy as we try to clean the house up. Later we'll probably go out to by groceries (our family is cooking everything!) and get those last minute presents. I am most definately making either tarts or peppermint shortbread.
Then on Christmas after we finish eating (MINT!! MINT!! SUGAR!! ^^) and opening presents we'll probably go see a movie... there are so many good ones coming out that it will be a little rough picking ONE and we will either split up or watch something that half of us will complain about. SO some questions for you guys:


So, as you can see, I have not made myself a new avatar. :P I really need a new one though because you cant really make out darky's eyes in this one and it started to annoy me because now I really obsess over the eyes in my graphics. They are almost always the focal point in the I make even if you don't consciously realize it, it adds to the graphic. O.O Anyhow, I will try to put more graphics up tomorrow and finish the award for Sageleaf. I took way too long and not I have to go. =.=



December 15th, 2009- 11:16PM

AGH! I have been SO BUSY with pre-Christmas stuff! I have done some things even if I didn't update:

We are attempting to do a sort of "12 Days Of Christmas" thing with Graphics. We posted 12 NEW AVATARS and will soon have a wave of Userbars and Microcats and other such goodies.

Anyway not much else to report.... I've Subied with Google Reader to all our Affs who have RSS feeds to help me keep up with comments! Expect to here from me soon! No SOTM this month, we decided to start fresh in January.

December 7th, 2009- 6:48PM

Ello' Lighty here! I need to make myself an avatar now don't I? Actually I have to do a lot of things (You too Darky! -stabs-) SO I made a handy list that I will check off as I finish each one.


So Yeah, that is much to work on.. so I better get going! xD
EDIT Dec. 11th-- SO Sageleaf has part of her awards, and I made myself an Avatar. Sage is now an affie, and Ice will be soon. Will update later with details about SOTM December AND holiday surprises...!


December 6, 2009

Yesyes, I picked the layout. It was my turn! XD The old one was creeping me out... REALLY CREEPY. Loved the header image but the rest of it was so ugly, chunky, yucky. Anyway, Hope you guys like this one better because I think it is wonderful. Even if you don't like it atleast it is different. Right!..... Right..? =.= JK!

Anyhows... Like Lighty had said yesterday We are doing a complete revamp of the sight so that this coming year it will be THE HAPPININ PLACE in the warriors graphical community. :P So aside from revamping the entire site we will become more active especially over winter break. And we have a super special holiday surprise! Oh, oh, I almost forgot! I have a youtube account now so I can make video tutorials, Speed paints and animations!! WOOOOHOOO! Oh yeah! Thats right! *Dances around hyperley (sp?)*

Yeah, so far I have a Toutorial but I plan to have some animations (However much they suck!) Up soon! The page is not compleeted yet but if you go to youtube.com and search for my username, DarkflameWarriors Then you will get my channel. PWEEEESE SUBSCRIBEEE! :D If you have no youtube then use Google reader! XD Well, thats it for today! If anyone is actually reading this then THANK YOU SO MUCH! I would love it if you signed the guestbook, let us know you are out there! Baibai! <> ~Darkflame, active again~

December 5, 2009

AHA! New layout YEAH! New layout! YEAH! OH YEAH OH YEAH OH YEAH! -dances- And a C-box! YEAH! December surprises are just beginning.... DUN DUN DUNNNN! ^^

December 4, 2009

Oh dear this place is a ghost town isn't it? Neglected... and nothing interesting happening. *Sigh* Well if there is one thing I ain't gonna do it's abandon this site.. I can make graphics, and I am going to start RIGHT NOW whipping this place back into shape. New layout, Affie clean out... the whole deal. Good news though: Darky and I talked... AND we have TWO SUPER AWESOME Presents for everyone this month, in the spirit of the Holidays... So after I get the basic stuff cleaned up, you should start seeing the results of our scheme... ^^ C you SOON, REALLY REALLY SOON!


November 15th - Lightstep

Hey! This isn't really a site update because I haven't done much with the site at all. Sorry! I've been busy with a little thing called life! This update is about my Nanowrimo progress... I am writing a completely un-warriors related novel (apologizes again) but I figured I'd put up a progress meter in case anyone cares ^^

I will attempt to update something the next few days... but with Thanksgiving coming up soon and then the holidays and family stuff and school and all my other hobbies... I honestly don't know if I will be able to update at ALL. I will TRY to keep in touch with some of my affies though! I do visit your guy's sites, I just don't have time to comment everywhere :( -See you soon with an actual update hopefully!-

November 8 10:30 am

So, First, I got my keybord working again! (Sorta, when I try and type really fast is skips letters 0.o) I hve not been doing alot with either of my sites cause there isn't much to do when there aren't any requests. I have worked on some drawings and am trying to improove my style before I start the manga. Yes, I am making a manga for my site or atleast I want to. I made an Iscribble account and am hopeing to meet someone on there to make the manga pages. It could be you! I try to come on eyery night around 5-8 ish and my screen name is always some variation of Darkflame (Darky, darketh, Darky of gh, Darky the great exc. ) Please come and help me out! Threads will usually be called draw with darky or manga drawing. I like drawing games too so you might find me in one of those too. Thanks!

Recent graphics:

I have not made alot of stuff lately but the most outstanding one is this!

And eye from this toutorial:

I think its great! XD I got it from this tutorial :

Please make one of your own and show it to me in the guestbook! cant wait to see you on iscrible.


OCtoer 24 11:42 am

So please ignore th misspellings cause my keyboard has been acting up. some times it types gibberish and sometimes like now it is fine. 0.0 it is strange...... And the keypad on the right side has stoped working alltogether today. so anyways, in lighty's update below it say he wlla uestieeeeeeeeeeee t te end of the updates itc I thk is a good idea ad I will o t at ttttttttttttte ed f tis. you m n h IIIIIIIII hv uuuuuup toescsannd entering the nanowrimo . yes the one that lighty talked abt below it ill atrancadofllllllllllllywrnweeeeeete this will e argeat earnig experiancee for me nd Icwat to star on nvember 1 !!! Yayayayyyy me@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So anyways I have been reading alot recently . mostly for my bookclub and my friend (the same one who let me have her max ride books) got me hooked on Daniel x too..... HOW COULD SHE so she set me behind in the bookclub reading so I just cought upthe otehr daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatyyyyy o I WULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLKKKKKKKKt comedsome ook o yu all ax n mmaXRIDE is good too I also like the loking glass wars, the hnnnger gammmmmmeeeessssssssssssand eaarrat eccccchatmet i ooo SORRYYYYYY FR THE MlnG I CANTWR THE COMP TO WWRK RIGHT I will tellllll yo the name later onnn........ I have no idea what is wrong with the comp but it seems to be working fine now.... so teh books were : The hunger games, the amaranth enchantment, the Maximum ride books and daniel x too all really good book I think you should read. So in the site I have added some new banners and I am working on drawing. I really want to animate some stuff for my role play so I am going to focus on my drawing for a bit. I aspire to look someting like what supperturtlethe first's stuff looks like! I also might get a youtube account too so I ca nupload the animations to it.wish me tuck! and if you have any suggestions then tell me in the guestbook.

Is one of supperturtles vids. it is really cool and they have improved since then too I just thought Id show you this because it is halloween themed and well, its october! Here is anothr nic one

well thats it for now I think. I will put some vids in all my updates from now on!!! now answer the questions below!!

*Who is your favorite animator and why? (show a link to their vid or channel)

*Do you draw , animate or have a youtube account?


October 12th, 2009~ 7:43PM

AGH! School has been so busy, and life in general, but I will *TRY* to get the site back into some sort of updated working thing again. I mean look around! we don't have any contest winners for the August contest, SOTM is old and never got an award, graphics are.. lacking and we don't update too much. Needs improvement, and LOT'S of it! And I am not even going to go into details about the affiliates page.... a bunch of them are on hiatus or closed! It's a disaster.

Oh... and it doesn't help much that I want to try and do NaNoWriMo this year. Nanowrimo is this free online (or offline) thing where you write a 50,000 word novel between November 1st and November 30th. The point is just to WRITE SOMETHING that long not for it to be awesome, and writing the same word 50,000 times doesn't count ;) If you have tried/done it before I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT HOW YOU DID! I can't decide if I should try and do it this year....... I'm so busy. It might just become another time sucking project I can't finish.... but maybe with all those other people I know are out there trying to do the same thing... I might have enough motivation... I dunno, tell me what you think. Maybe I could do the YWNaNoWriMo this year and the full one later on. Then if I only hit 10,000 words I can still feel like I accomplished something.

ANYWAY, I decided to stop thinking up titles to posts and start putting the time and a series of questions for any visitor who cares to answer (on the chat or Guestbook): 1. Has you or anyone you know tried/completed the YWPNaNoWriMo or the NaNoWriMo?
2. How are you doing with keeping your site updated?! -I'm not doing well-
3. Are you sad when the older fan-sites close down, do you look forwards to the new sites that take their place, or do you think that the days of the huge Warriors fan-sites are dying out?


September 29, 2009~ 9:20 AM

Uh, I don't really know why I am updating..... I have nothing to say. OOH, actually, I do! I EXIST!!!! I know, I know, I randomly disappeared but that was because of school, google reader, This video

and Maximum Ride! Explanation: So, one of my buddies let me borrow her Maximum Ride books. I read the first one and I read it ,liked it so I read the next one and the next and so on until I finished the seariese(sp?) (This morning) If you are wondering where I got time to read all those books then I would answer you by saying I WAS SICK!!!! And it would be totaly true too. I have been sick for upwards of a week now and am only just getting better. While I was sick, I found joy in google reader. I subscribed to a whole bunch of things and read them every day. Thats how I found the above video witch I will now rant about: OMG!!! I LOVE SPIRIT!!! THE VIDEO IS SUCH AN AWESOME MINI MOVIE!!! YAAAAAAAY THE MUSIC ROCKS!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOO WOOOOOHOOOOOO....... (end of rant) So, thats what I thought of the video. I like the person it is by even though I am by no means a wolf fan , they make neat stuff ! Anyway, thats what I did all month or whatever (and school witch I did not talk about because it was not too fun ) What did you do? Go tell me in the guestbook, I love to hear from visitors!

Before I forget, I made some rock your socks banners and put them up on the site for you all!!!! GO LOOK AT THEM NOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!

~Peace out ~


September 17th-- YES! WE ARE BAAAAACK!

Tinypic is working again! I am going to put up a bunch of new graphics NOW! Then I will make awards for all the contest winners and our new Top affiliates and SOTM. I AM SOOOOO HAPPY! Plus I finally made my self and avatar ---->

5 new banners from Darky!
A new Websets page by me!
3 new avatars by me!
September 14th--- I re-opened Shattered Clans! It is now called "Shattered" so I can have more room to mess around with the theme of the site over time (i.e. add other cat groups, wolves, evil twoleg section XD). So go on over there if you are interested in joining a new literate Roleplay! I don't want this to go the way of Version 1 because of inactive people!! I had a really busy week and a ton of homework this week.... so I don't know how much I can get on or if we can have the graphics uploading problem fixed by then.... Sorry guys...


September 10th---

NEW TOP AFFIES and Sotm! Congratz Fishflight, Falconwing, Fawny and Ravyn! From now on our SOTM will be a smaller fansite with potential. This way, it will help some great small site owners get some recognition! ANYWAY September SOTM is Sageleaf @ Endless Running Warriors. Keep up the great work! We should have a new image host ONE OF THESE DAYS... so an award is coming for everyone soon! That's all. ~Lighty

September 7th---

Lightstep reporting. YES I AM ALIVE. School has taken up a lot of time... but with the short labor day break I am going to try and get some things done. We passed Fish's affiliate cleanup! The graphics contest is over, we have to pick winners. Also we should be able to put up graphics again soon... Darky has picked a new image host for us and is just waiting for permission to install on computer. Thanks to all our visitors and loyal buddies who have continued to visit us while we're half on hiatus! We don't WANT to be, but between school and not being able to upload graphics there's not much we CAN do. That should change soon! C ya!

August 31---- Darky here!

Sorry I havent updated or anything after the site reopened! Lighty took it off hiatus without telling me so I did not know until now. I have been making graphics like mad but I cant show you yet. :(

My tinypic account has gone haywire so until I get a new image host, NO MORE GRAPHICS!! Omg! I know it sucks! Sorry again.

Well thats all the time I have for now, more updates soon.



Ugh, there is so much stuff to do and SO LITTLE TIME! I mean really, it's the 25th already. Oh well... I'll get it all done eventually. Darky is around, but is not updating or making graphics for the site right now, they are ALSO making a Rp! How are these dueling RP's going to effect our co-ownership? You'll just have to tune in a few weeks from now and see.... DUN DUN DUN!!! Yeah yeah, lame I know. You want the update already right? The update is we have a new set of top affiliates. They are:
Fish @
Fawny, Roseh & company @ Life of a Warrior
AND.... and.... and.... um.... one other but I forget! UGH! I need to find my notes.... there is another one! REALLY! I just am too tired to remember right now... Well I should have top affs changed on all the pages soonish, I need to go finish some misc. things around the site now... so bye! ~~Lighty

August 23-- (Too lazy to put in avatar XD)

Hey! Layout is up, and I am SO HAPPY WITH IT! It is so... bright and happy ^^ Darky and I worked together on the header image (for once). Speaking of Darky -- They're gone for another week of two working on getting their new Roleplay site up and running... I'll be around though! I am working on a bunch of new graphics (including new linkbacks and an avatar for me :D, blogs, and my special pet project-- websets -- a matching link back, avatar, blog and siggie!). I have a SUPER DUPER FANTASTIC SURPRISE FOR YOU!!!


I think I have enough time for it now... and with tripod's new site builder non-html thingy it will be easier to keep up with joins! I am super thrilled about this and I hope you guys are too! If you were a past member, please talk to me in the guestbook and tell me if there is anything new you'd like in vs. two.
We have a new affie -- Sandy of Shining Sands! I LOVED her site and was so sad when it closed earlier this year.... but now she's back! WELCOME BACK! I think I am making Sandy a special award.....
I am halfway through a total affie overhaul, and will make sure to stay more in contact with all our affiliates! So I should be by your site soon to bother you....

VERY LAST QUICK THING--- New graphics contest! Click HERE to enter or just go to the Extra's section! This time the theme is Songs!
Bye for now... ~~Lighty

August 19th -- WE ARE BAAACK! I am putting the layout up.... ~Lighty

Contest Winners! + Some new affies ~~ August 3rd

Yay! We have our winners for the contest: First Place, as you can see from up there, is Wildheart of Forest of the Wild, Second Place: Snowy of Sparkling Snow, Third Place tied are Fish of Fish Graphics and Phoenixfly! Congratz everyone! Your Awards are coming soon, and feel free to request your requests....!

We also have some new affies and a new SOTM -- Warriors Eclipsed Fate. I am very proud of the SOTM award, I tried a bunch of new effects on it... so please take a look. That's it for now dudes ;) More graphics coming as soon as I finish all the contest awards, even if you didn't win you still get a general award! I'm so nice aren't I? XD

EDIT: I changed the music here and on the Chat page, Paramore and DJ whatever were driving me NUTS!!

Terrible Books & The End and a Beginning ~ July 31st

Uh I think I need to get better titles for my updates XD Anywho: Today is the LAST DAY to vote for your favorite Graphic in the Graphic contest!! So get over there and VOTE!

While the contest may be over... the long decision of who will be August SOTM is just beginning..... *goes to argue with Darkflame*

I just read this funny article about the Top Ten Most Annoying Teen Book Trends I dunno.. completely unrelated to anything about the site here, but I agreed with most of it and it was funny ^^
Oh Rainy-- Both Your Requests are done!
That's it for now!

Blogs and layouts and Speedpaints . OH MY!! July 27 2009

We made a blog this mourning! Yep! Thanks to Sandpool for giving us the codeing, we now have a Leafpool blog READY TO USE! As for the layouts , I got a WYSIWYG a while back . i am still trying to learn how to use the thing but we should have some layouts soon too! I made a few speed paint videos also. I am trying to edit them so that i can upload them to tinypic. I need to speed them up ! Well that's it for now!




Thanks to Sandpool, GH can now make BLOGS! Our fist one with a Leafpool theme is on the brand new Blogs page! I'm going to make a few more today.... I LOVE LOVE LOVE BLOGS! Also, the contest is now closed, voting is open for a week! May the best Graphic win :) Probably will edit this later....


Well today is teh LAST DAY to enter our Graphics contest! Hurry and get those last minute graphics in before 9pm EST! I adore contests, that's why I am yawning now.... I stayed up till 11:30 making a last minute entery into WS's header contest and Aspen's Graphics Contest.... I lost the WS contest unfortunately, but it was fun to make anyway (anything is fun while listening to I'm Blue Backwards, I'm Blue Fast, I'm Blue Normal, Leakspin backwards, Leakspin normal version over and over or the Techno Leakspin, Warrior Cat Carmelldansen,Carmelldansen backwards, while eating cookies and drinking lemonade XD Did I mention it was like 11:30pm?). Aspen's Contest Graphic turned out SO WELL I am putting up as a portrait! (Yeah it's creepy, I was believe I was listening to This Leakspin Remix at the time and Teh Creepy Carsmelldansen, In The End by Linkin Park and had finished a really sad book at that point.)

OMG .... July 20, 2009

I HAVE NOT UPDATED SINCE THE 16th! I feel so lame! poor Lighty has been doing ALL the work again while I sit around and watch movies! Sorry Lighty! I am going to go and resize the graphics so they fit on the pages properly now. After that I will check the guestbooks (for the first time since opening). At least then I will feel like I did somthing to help! UGH! *Smacks head against desk* I have alot of work to do!

C U after work



A Quick One...

Just a fast update! I made a couple userbars and a stock link back! Go check em' out! Thanks everyone so far who has entered our Graphics Contest! If you haven't joined then go on over and take a look at the rules!

Buh Bye!



HARRY POTTER! & A Podcast & a Contest

Yay! I went and saw Harry Potter on Friday.... If you haven't read the books and don't want the movie spoiled DON'T READ. If you don't care, skip the review for the site news below.
The beginning of the movie: It was kinda an interesting addition of Harry flirting with the waitress... Snape vow thing... fine not much else to say....
The Middleish: The movie focuses a TON more on Ron and Hermione than Ginny and Harry. There is a bunch of silly confusion and fighting between Ron and Hermione.... Ginny takes Harry to get rid of the Half Blood Prince's book and kisses him... and that's about it. Actually that whole part is wrong, making it so Harry just has her hide the book in the room of requirement and HE doesn't know where it is. How he is going to be able to do several things in the last two movies because he now doesn't have the book is unknown. Considering Ginny and Harry MARRY each other in the last book I suppose there will be more development in the next movie. The dude who was Slughorn was perfect, that whole plot line was well "movied". We see nothing of Tonks and Lupin having issues, or Bill and Fleur vs. Mrs. Weasly. Kind miss the last one :( THe Burrow is pointlessly destroyed and death eaters attack. I have no idea WHY they added that... I mean Harry is an idiot most of the time, but running into an open field blindly? Plus they need to be at the Burrow in the last movie so people can be killed/injured. I guess they will have to rebuild it?
End of movie: Dumledore dies obviously, but you really didn't feel much when he did. They glazed over the part where he was drinking the potion, then later after Snape kills him an dleaves, and the whole school is there and Harry runs out to his body, there isn't really and better emotion. I mean in the book it made me cry. In the movie I didn't even sniffle. It was kinda anti-climatic. You just think "Oh that's sad." and move on. Harry doesn't visibly break up with Ginny either or cry much when Dumbledor dies. The movie kinda just.... ends.
Overall: I thought as a movie it looked really cool, nice effects, acting was great to okay. As a movie from a book, it lacked some things and added some things for no real reason. I give it 3 3/4 stars.

Now you are probably bored out of your skull, hating me for dissing the movie or agreeing with me (YAY!) In other news: GH is having a Graphics Contest! Check it out in Extras if you want to join. This month's theme is Your Favorite Couple. Some nice prize packs for the top three graphics, plus a cute little award for everyone that enters. Enter now! Voting starts July 25th!
Also I would like to put out a plea for help. This is for two good buddies of mine Ember and Storm over at Shadows In The Light. It goes like this: GET YOUR BEHIND OVER THERE! XD
No seriously, go take a few minutes and listen to their podcast and maybe leave a comment or two. Imagine a bleak website devoid of life, yet littered with invitations to participate in something that could shake the world of warriorsdom. Then you are imagining Shadows In the Light. No visitors but lots of opportunities FOR visitors! *SLAPS READER* WHAT? You haven't clicked the link that opens in a new window? The new window HTML code it took me 45 minutes to find? *SLAP SLAP* Click it now or SO HELP ME......

Ahem. Uh excuse the brief insanity. Sometimes I lose it especially when the UNGRATEFUL READER ROLLED THEIR EYES AT THE 45minutes it took me to find a HTML CODE!

Now I KNOW I haven't made very many graphics. I am working on that. I made a nice little avatar for you people. Here it is! Expect more to come!

Until next time! See ya!

Dido is nice but SLOOOOW

Hey! I'm sitting here working on cleaning up the site.... listening to Dido. You've all probably heard her song "Thank You" it's always on the mix stations. So is it just me or are ALL her songs REALLY REALLY SLOOOOOW? I mean, she has a really nice voice and I like most of her songs, but like EVERY song is the same Sloooooowness. Luckily I'm listening to them on my computer with Windows Media Player, so I speed them up to 1.4 (normal speed = 1) and they sound a lot better XD We didn't win SOTM, Goldfeather got confused I think. I AM NOT from Kitclan!! And Darky, you need a hug! No great co ownie should be ignored! *Hug*



Gah! .... July 16, 2009

Sorry, I have not been active with updates. I know, I have been really inactive . I am trying to keep the sight up but web design is so boring and I always find myself making graphics instead of putting new pages up.Anyway, as Lighty was saying below, we won sotm... or rather, SHE won sotm. I went and found the award and it says "Congratulations Lighty you've won my site of the month award for July 2009" I am pretty sure that I am looking at the right site but I might not be. I am trying to get this figured out so we can claim the award. =( Well, that is it for now. I will try to remember to update .


UGH. Sorry it's been a little bit eh? Well we're back onto putting the site up.... SORRY! Expect new graphics and such up soon! I am have some bad news.... until further notice Roleplay is offline. I am too busy to keep up with it and do all the cleaning out and re-organizing it needs. Will it ever be back? I don't know.... but PLEASE don't keep your hopes up or hassle me about it. It never was a very good Rp ANYWAY so I doubt anyone misses it a all.....
A little good news: We won SOTM from Goldfeather! I am trying to figure out.... what they're site is so we can get teh award! THANK YOU! I FEEL INSPIRED TO FINISH THE SITE NOW! :)

July 3 09 -- Prettyful~

I am almost done with the "Rules" page, I worked on it late last night. I also tweaked Affies, fixed some faulty links to the SOTM, downloaded NVU and started playing with it, added my profile to the About page..... Roleplay is taking a LOOONG time to finish because so many members are inactive, but I hate deleting people! Bloodstar is up for adoption, I'll keep playing him until someone takes him!
This morning I made a Siggie for Graystripe, and am working on one for Hollyleaf (I liked her ^^) that should be up later. I am calling this style "Series 1" and they will all have Mates/Clan/Crushes/Kits info.

Check out my new Siggie!

Enjoy! Thanks Spotted for requesting I'll get to your request ASAP.

July 3, 2009 What you see is what you get...

I got a WYSIWYG! a WYSIWYG is a html code writer. You type whatever you want and it will auto code it for you! You can also make layouts with it but I am still trying to find out how... XD Also, I made some new graphics. an award for kitclan and a hiatus sign are just the beginning !

Well, thats it for now, I am gonna go make some new graphics!

July 2 09 -- Yay!

I believe we have half the site up! Sitely is all set except for Credits and.... Past Layouts. Graphics is up and running, PLEASE request we are SO bored =P What do you guy think of me adding a Tribe to the Rp? I need some Tribe expert person to explain what the Tribe customs are.... Personally I never liked them in the brief two times they have been in the books, but a lot of people like them so.......TRIBE EXPERTS-- The new "Future Tribe" is going to be called "Tribe of the Clouds". What should their characteristics be? Should they have the exact same set up as the Tribe of Rushing Water (whatever that is...) or slightly different? PLEASE fill me in and give me some ideas! I'll give Credit and a link to the websites of people who help me out! THANK YOU in advance!

June 30 2009--*Working*

Title is pretty self explanatory, we are working hard to put the site up. Most of Sitely is online.... Graphics are almost done and Roleplay should be up by Friday. I am proud to announce our SOTM July and the First SOTM for Glimmering Hope is..... Warriors Spirit! Congratz guys! Look on the side-bar to see their award that Darkflame made. We both entered Fishflight's banner contest. Here's my entry:

Click Here;;

Nice right?! I'm totally going to beat Darkflame right? *glare* YOU SAID YES RIGHT?!

June 29, 2009. We are now open...

almost! As you can see we have the home page open. Hopefully I will be able to transfer some more of the content later today. Well, hope you have fun on the site. Like i said I will try to get more of the site up for you!


From Lighty's Old Sites

{From Shattered Clans}

(And after that post the site closed... everyone cept' Darky my RL Friend, Feather and Br33 left. They just poofed away...)

{June 26, 09}
Sorry I haven't been on much this week, very busy with family stuff. Anyway-- Many Tigerclan cats have been deleted. Body Guard and Deputy Positions are open! Lightclan Leader is still open since the leaders who wanted to join never got back to me. GUYS DO NOT JOIN AND DISAPPEAR! I have decided to try and enter Fishflight's Graphic Contest, wish me luck!

{June 20, 09}
I'm kinda depressed.
I HAVE ADVERTISED LIKE CRAZY. I have TRIED to improve the site... Yet no one joins and I have a TON of inactive members (That by the way I am deleting NOW.)It is really discouraging after I've spent so many hours trying to make this site the next GREAT ROLEPLAY. Yeah, enough of my pity party you say. I KNOW. I'm not closing the site, it's just I suppose this is a reality check--- You've got a small site. DEAL WITH IT.
Well...I'm signing off. Update soon :{

{June 18, 09}
AGH!! For some reason the stupid Tripod HTML editor decided NOT TO SAVE SOME CHANGES I MADE! I am SO mad. Now I have to re-do Varianpack Territory and Lightclan Territory tomorrow >:( Well, in better news, Varianpack has their Alpha Pair, Lightclan has a new Deputy and Leader...(I think guys please get back to me on who is whom!) And we have a few other members. TIGERCLAN PEOPLE! GET ACTIVE OR ON THE 20TH I WILL DO A MASS DELETION! *Breaths* Alright! That's it ^^

{June 16 09}
Hey! I am advertising like crazy, hopefully we will get some new members! Wolf Packs are 100% Online! All the good positions are open so go JOIN! I'm going to go ad some backed up affie requests and maybe finish the Roleplay tutorial.

{June 14, 09}
YES! I am almost done with the new packs! All I need is pack members pages and finish up Varianpack's pages! I am SO HAPPY! Thank you lunar-shadows.webs.com for the Pack banners. Blizz at Blizzardheart graphics is making Clan banners for me. I can't wait! Graphics are so helpful with sprucing up a site! That's it for now! Tootles :D
{June 12, 09}
YES! I am still alive :P Wolf Packs are mostly up, I just need to add the links to all the pages *Sighs* hopefully I can put in Ssi or something to make adding pages easier! Anywho, new joins--I'll add you sometime this weekend. Several affie requests I will look at too! Expect things looking a lot better come Monday!